DNA testing used to be a very complicated process but approaches and equipment have been enhanced a lot in recent times that results can easily be acquired using very minimal samples and in a very short span of time. There are several professionals that can require the test like a physician or diagnostician. When a person goes to a clinic to identify an unknown disease, find out more about his genetic health risks or determine relationship with some people in his family, a genetic consultation will be set. The test will only require very simple samples from the person involved, such as hair, tissues, nails, blood, semen or amniotic fluid. In most cases, the individual will be asked to provide a buccal swab, which is done by swiping a brush or cotton swab on the inner cheek to get actual cells and tissues to be studied under a microscope. The type of sample required will depend on what the physician wishes to diagnose or identify.
However, recently, new discovery about DNA structure surprised Scientists.
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