Aside from overall system costs driven higher by a state patchwork approach, this study also identified additional factors that create potential inequities in the programs. Equity or “fairness” issues do not directly affect bottom line program costs , but program compliance is likely to decline and enforcement costs rise if certain stakeholders perceive these inequities. These patchwork inequities are presented on a qualified basis at the end of Part 2 of this report.
Finally this study collected data from numerous primary sources to quantify the costs wherever possible. Drawing from actual costs reported by corporations complying with existing programs and government officials responsible for state program implementation, estimates of each cost driver were developed, totaled and analyzed to produce a best estimate of the dead weight costs associated with the patchwork of current and projected future programs.
For each cost driver, costs are provided in the following categories:
• Direct Labor. For purposes of this study direct labor costs are assumed to be all employers’ personnel expenses dedicated to performing tasks attributable to that employer’s primary mission (e.g., recycling electronics, administering a government program, etc.).
• General and Administrative (G&A) costs are any management, financial, and other expense for the general management and administration of the company or agency as a whole. G&A costs also include expenses typically provided by outside parties (legal and accounting services, monitoring and reporting services, printing materials, etc.).
• Capital Investments are costs supporting the acquisition or development of property or other long-term asset (e.g., information systems, spare plant and equipment, etc
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