Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Basic electronics chapter covers the basic electronics is the most important of all for newcomers. Without a thorough grasp of basic electronics you will never fully understand the later and much more complicated electronics tutorials. To understand these processes requires an understanding of the basic principles. For the light to glow requires energy to find a path through the light switch, through the copper wire and this movement is called electron flow. It is also called current flow in electronics. This is the first important principle to understand. Everybody knows about atoms and electrons don't they? Well we could skip this part but of course we won't because you will likely learn something new. As a suggestion start by reviewing "starting out in basic electronics" followed by some radio electronics terminology. We then cover electron theory and atoms, attenuators, capacitance, current, digital basics, impedance, inductance, integrated circuits, ohms law, power supply, Q, reactance, resistance, resonance, transformers, transistors and voltage.

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